Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Teaching your child about consumer values

It’s imperative to teach your child about the power of advertising and how it influences shopping decisions. Shopping is an important for a smart life. Before shopping, you can discuss with the child about where you choose to shop, the way you make shopping decisions and the products you choose to buy. Consumer can be an individual or organization or collection of individuals/organizations. The way you act as a consumer drives a message to your child about family’s beliefs and values.

When you’re at the shops, it’s great to talk with your child about your family’s opinions on buying things such as the need of the item, who is going to use the item, how much is the cost etc. These things are descriptively at this juncture below give a clear eye to the child to think about your family’s shopping worth:

- What are the pros and cons of the desired buying? What sort of context the product can be used? Are there any special offers, promotions where you can save money? If you plan to buy a product that is really not very important for you at present might be a waste. You are going to buy that as for your wish but not to meet any requirement. Sometimes although you have a use of the product there may be issues in allocation of the money.

 - What things do you think it’s important in paying more for? Definitely the quality matters any buyer. Will you buy a pair of shoes that may break in a fortnight with less use for a week? Actually no because quality affair you. When you are paying more you expect a good quality from a well known branded company.
- Do you prefer to buy smaller quantities according to your budget or in mass volume for smaller total amount? Although you buy mass volumes of a product the storage space is important to consider. If you don’t have sufficient necessity of the product; then no point in buying larger qualities and keep by storing while wasting time and space.

- If you are buying something it is important to consider whether can you recycle or reuse the product. If you cannot reuse then no point in buying the products as it is costly. Also as we are environmental friendly it is important to use items that can be recycled successfully without any harm to the surroundings. Also it is imperative think when the product is recycled will it make healthy choices for you.     

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