Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Education is the key to happiness and success

Education is the creation of the man’s life. This comprises the development of the individual in in material and spiritual environment which enable to fulfill the end of the life.

The most important selection that people have to formulate in order to be happy and successful is to complete the education. Without education in my point of view, I do not feel that people will accomplish all of their own goals. When mapping this statement with my life, if I do not complete my education I believe that I will be letting my family down and I will never achieve true happiness.

As a wife and mother, my family is first in my life not the friends, relations. By completing the degree I believe that I can obtain more knowledge and experience. Then I am aware that I am securing my family’s financial well-being and kid’s education. 

I wish to set an example for my children, to be a role model and mentor. I want my children to choose education and make every effort best for their delicate best in all that they do within their lives. The paramount approach to achieve this is to place the stage for them and show them the way to happiness and success. By selecting the desired stream for my education will allow me to do all of these. Although educating is little bit tough I would like to achieve the challenges successfully to drive a triumphant life.

As I go on the journey of education I will keep in mind that time management and organizational skills are vital. I must also need to focus remain of my life for feature oriented all the way through my career. I won’t procrastinate any of the challenges that approach to me; but will stay on top of my studies to deserve success to my footsteps. I will accept nothing below the best that I can perform in life to make all my dreams come true.  

My goal is to maintain the highest grade point in every semester. Then I will not fail in my mission for happiness and success through education. I have quite a lot of barrier that I have to get ahead in order to award the 1st class degree in my life. I try hard always to look toward the future and focus on my happiness and success. Also I know there are people who are jealous towards people who do like this. Anyway anybody cannot stop me in a single point of time with barriers because I have different powers in education and education is the only thing that we take when we die.

I imagine myself graduating with a Bachelor’s Degree and the pride that I will feel as I walk across the stage to accept my diploma. I think of my parents as well as husband beaming with joy, my children and parents cheering me on.  I picture a successful career as a business professional and my heart fills with joy. I look forward to owning my own business and applying the skills that I am learning in university to real-life situations.   These wonderful feelings keep me going ahead with determination when the going gets tough.

These make the part of every man’s nature. Every individual has a natural feeling for two things.
1.      Motivate to search for a person that is greater than him. This refers to man’s trend to experiences from within & without to a creature that is higher & external to him. This is the natural idea of man of the reality.
2.      Inclined towards happiness. There is a natural tendency for man to do or think of something that will satisfy his desires in life. As man searches for his happiness, he soon realizes that there is nothing in this world that could satisfy his longing for it. Thus, he looks for it outside of himself and beyond this life. He looks for it in God.

Thus, the two natural preferences are in fact one and the same thing where people search for God and people search for happiness. Usually Happiness is God. God is happiness.

These thoughts float to our minds as reputed personnel Aristotle reflected on what about education. “The aim of education is happiness. Also education involves the formation of the power of man and gears them in the direction of what force to build him happy. It occupies familiarizing the intelligence and spirit of man to their appropriate objectives in future life which involves the genuineness and the superior, correspondingly.

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