Monday, February 10, 2014

Teenagers, Beware the Pitfalls!

Teenage life is one of the most interesting parts of an individual's life. Although, in line with my judgment I don’t believe in the wonders of teenage life and don’t agree with the common view that teenage is the most beautiful age in the life of a man. I accept as true in the fact that teenagers are the ones who experience most of the unhappiness and sorrows of life.

Despite the fact that teenagers move on with time, they face many challenges and problems. As they are those who are equidistant between childhood and adulthood and also the changes in their mental abilities bring about a revolution in their calm and peaceful world. The youngsters however enjoy the wonders of life; none of them are able to get what they should have in life or what they aim to get in future life. Teenagers face this as the most unmerited characteristic of this age of life.

Teenagers today must be always vigilant to the many distractions and dangers that surround them. Knowing what these pitfalls are, how to avoid trouble and have a happier teenage-hood.The most important thing in this age is studies which determine the future of the life. The time when they have to decide the aspects of their future they are in search of diversified knowledge areas while brushing up the available skills, aptitude etc. For this some are jealous in one eye while some are really happy to see. 

I have faced this issue in my life in my secondary educational life. Although attempting to accomplish the toughest thing these are no doubt those valuable moments in future will come behind you while wishing success to enjoy achieve triumph. Their colors are just apprehensible for those who have done with it.

Mainly the distractions that take students away from their studies and students have a loan from it to themselves and their parents to put in their best efforts in their studies. At all times therefore, teenagers must make it a point to be mindful in their studies to come first. This strategy will help them get their priorities right in future life as well. Complete that piece of homework or revise those chapters taught today and also before the examination before decide to hang out with your friends to discuss the important issues that you are stuck with to solve effectively.

When coming to the interest of most teenagers; the teenage press with their busy life which means to them more than anything. When it is also true that this is the love they forget with time and if they are reminded it again sometimes they might just laugh or cry out. So nothing to worry about it, just enjoy and don’t spare your precious tears for it. Parents always have the best interests of their children at heart purely than anyone else in the world and they will do anything to prevent their children from getting hurt. 

On the other hand teenagers often think that parents do not understand them and they are unable to communicate with their parents because parents might blame them. So these teenagers are vulgar to their parents and become totally selfish at times. If teenagers are a bit more enthusiastic of their parents and try and put themselves in the shoes of their parents, they will then be able to know how their parents think and feel - of their fears and dreams for their children.

Independence is one aspect that secures the first place in teenagers demand in life they think it to be the key to all happiness while enjoying life. They expect more independence at this stage to spend time happily as teenage stage is the most pleasant unforgettable position in life. Most of the teenagers demand for cell-phone enjoys party at friends' place and open choice to move about etc in this middle stage. Although they are leading to adult age, the idea that they are enough sensible to tackle with situations is wrong.

Good friends are always there for you, just like parents where you can utter any grievances to them any point of time than sometime the parents. But there are friends, who may turn out to be bad influences and can lead you off target. Then there are friends who can inspire you and drive you to achieve great heights. Friends who push you to success in life are the important person in the life forever. Therefore independence of dealing with friends is significant than family members. Teenagers must learn to see through people’s views and hold on to sound moral values and principles. These will definitely help you differentiate the good from the bad in life.

Sticking to the best summits mentioned above would make life easier for teenagers to drive to accomplish success. 

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