Sunday, February 24, 2013

Should retirement be compulsory at 60 years of age?

Many careers, as well as companies, have mandatory retirement ages. A mandatory retirement age is the age that a person in a particular job is automatically required to retire. It comprises of the maximum age a person that can perform a particular job.  

When considering the official positions on companies; the current procedure is based on the pension’s minute. The retirement age of 55 provides employees to request for work ahead of the age of 55. This establishes an obligation for employers to consider those requests based on objective criteria means that age 55 people sometimes live with good health, expert knowledge and skills.

Today, the life expectancy at birth has risen to about 72 for males and 76 for females. Sri Lankans are today living longer. So far, they retire from paid work at the same age as before. Public officers once they turn the age of 60 years give up working. But retirement is an unproductive interval between regular employment and death. This is quickly disappearing. The compulsory retirement opens many avenues for an active retiree to follow part-time employment or even a second career.

Retirement in a late life brings certain point of leisure with a certain level of wealth.  The retirement at 60 characterizes a loss of efficiency for society by older people. Today a person in sixties lives longer, is better educated and is in better health. It does not make economic sense for the society to continue to pay a pension for a longer duration to a retiree. Increasing the age of retirement is an intimidation in that; it delays a younger person from entering the labor market.

At present most public sector jobs are in the service sector, in knowledge generation. Generally, in most countries the normal retirement age is 65 and possibly even 70. There is also provision for early voluntary retirement where qualified staff can voluntarily retire between 50 and 59. Early retirement in the interest of the professional exercise of duties may be permitted between 55 and 65 years arising as a result of an organizational review. In addition, early retirement due to redundancy may be permitted when there is a loss of a post that requires an employee to be shifted.

As we know the importance of old people’s value we must treat them well in an effective manner. The new joiners for the company should help the people who are in the point of retirement by joining the post.  The usual retirement age in contracts of employment is 65. Some retirement ages are established by law and the law sets out the maximum age of staff.
If you are self-employed, there is no set retirement age.  

However, in general, the concept of   retirement of people consists of   several advantages and disadvantages.


          ·         Loss of Experience
One of the major disadvantages of a mandatory retirement age is that it requires people to leave a position at greater experience level. This means that they will not be allowed to remain at the organization to pass on their knowledge to younger people.  

           ·         Younger Generation Entering Workforce
However, by pushing an older group of people out of a particular profession makes the box open for the younger generation to enter the workforce. If a profession does not see significant turnover, then younger people will often be less liable to train to enter it. The younger crowd is trained to offer a good qualification.

           ·         Loss of Income
Many people who are pushed out of a job after they reach a particular age are not qualified to perform work. It is often extremely difficult for older workers to get hired, particularly for positions in which they have little experience.

Today there are stiff debates about age when people should retire. In reality, some people think that it is fair to make for 55 years old the age boarder for retirement. However, other people think that 60 years of age is a late time for people to retire by enjoying the life with work. Personally I think that people should retire earlier than 55 years of age.

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