Monday, February 18, 2013

Examination a compulsory evil

Exams are the anxiety utterance that curses you throughout student life. Well the skills that are used in everyday life are somehow tested in the exams. Skills permit a person to get a job and succeed in their field of choice are surely. In this box - logic, analytical ability, memory, communication skills and interpersonal skills will probably top on list which are inspected in examinations.

Now exams are a mode of testing. They check the knowledge by accumulating the several years workload as the exam paper makers know that students work hard to cram all the stuff into head and then retain them long time to put them down on paper. In most of the exams objective is to argue the logic and analytical ability is tested. 

Structure is almost certainly the biggest advantage of exams. When you know you have exams around you make a serious attempt to make good use of your time to actually study by stopping waste of time. They help you deliver results under pressure. Memory is certainly sharpened and they can also make you very competitive.

As you crammed work against the exams and try to get good results. It is well known that the human brain has an expiry dated storage space for information for a short time period.  Also there are cases which point at psychological and physical suffering such as illness and depression owing to unwarranted stress levels. This is commonly visible in each semester of the school.

 There are already a few examples of such forms in modern day society and it will not be surprising that these voices gather drive with the years to come! Because of the exams students have started studying by making time differences in allocation for each task.

Earlier notice regarding the date and program of examination; many students nuisance it; the examination factions the students’ heart beating; however, students concentrate on studies with longer hours; date approaches; question – papers distributed by the invigilators; certain number of questions to be done in prearranged hours; answer – books given to examiners; evaluation and allocation of marks; results published.

Exams are held with the intention of testing the student’s mental ability and knowledge. The examinations are necessary for the reason of making students work and reduce the fear of failing by increasing the competition of results to gain a best career in life. Exams also make courage the students by clamming students in studies and providing enough applicable knowledge. This enhances the capability of answering a particular question in a short period of time.  For a particular subject students are tested in many ways by conducting weekly tests, term tests and assignments as well.
For examinations most of the students get horror and some time also get sick and cannot write the exam well. But some cram and pass the exam highly and happy at least. Based on the exam results the career opportunity is deciding. If the student is lucky he/she will have a good examiner who has the intention of passing the student which has the supportive factors for the answer. 

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