Friday, November 2, 2012

All water has a perfect memory and is forever trying to get back to where it was

Water is a chemical essence with the chemical formula H2O. A water fragment contains one oxygen and two hydrogen atoms connected by coalescent bonds. Water is a liquid at temperatures above 0 °C (273.15 K, 32 °F) at sea level, but it often co-exists on Earth with its solid state, ice and water vapor or steam. Water also exists in a liquid crystal state near hydrophobic surfaces.

"Don't you realize that the sea is the home of water? All water is off on a journey unless it's in the sea, and it's homesick, and bound to make its way home someday"

Water covers 71% of the Earth's surface, and is vital for all known forms of life
·         On Earth, 96.5% of the planet's water is found in oceans, 1.7% in groundwater, 1.7% in glaciers and the ice caps of Antarctica and Greenland, a small fraction in other large water bodies, and 0.001% in the air as vapor, clouds and precipitation.
·         Only 2.5% of the Earth's water is fresh water and 98.8% of that water is in ice and groundwater.
·         Less than 0.3% of all freshwater is in rivers, lakes, and the atmosphere, and an even smaller amount of the Earth's freshwater is contained within biological bodies and manufactured products.

Water on Earth moves continually through the hydro- logical cycle of evaporation and transpiration, condensation and usually reaches the sea. Evaporation and transpiration contribute to the precipitation over land.

Safe drinking water is essential to humans and other life forms. Access to safe drinking water has improved over the last decades in almost every part of the world, but just about one billion people still lack access to safe water and over 2.5 billion lack access to adequate sanitation.

There is a clear relationship between access to safe water and GDP per capital. However, some observers have estimated that by 2025 more than half of the world population will be facing water-based vulnerability. 
A November 2009 report suggests that by 2030, in some developing regions of the world, water demand will exceed supply by 50%.Water plays an important role in the world economy, as it functions as a solvent for a wide variety of chemical substances and facilitates industrial cooling and transportation. Approximately 70% of the fresh water used by humans goes to agriculture.

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