Friday, November 2, 2012

We never know the worth of water till the well is Dry

Water is the key to life: a crucial resource for humanity and the rest of the living world. Everyone needs it and not just for drinking. Our rivers, lakes, coastal and marine waters as well as our ground waters are valuable resources to protect. Society uses water to generate and sustain economic growth and prosperity, through activities such as farming, commercial fishing, energy production, manufacturing, transport and tourism.Water is important in deciding where we settle and how we use land.

Water can also be a source of political conflicts – in particular where water shortages occur. For our  own well-being, not only clean drinking water but also clean water for hygiene and sanitation is crucial. Water is also used for recreational activities such as bathing, fishing or just for enjoying the beauty of coasts, rivers and lakes in nature. We expect clean rivers and coastal waters when we go on holiday, and we expect an unlimited supply on tap for showers and baths, washing machines and dishwashers.


  1. You are genuinely a wonderful human being Aiya and I totally mean it. Thanks for the comment :)
