Saturday, September 21, 2013

Nutrition and Lifestyle - Smoking

Cigarettes contain chemicals that cause cancer. They also contain nicotine although it is not one of the cancer-causing representatives. But it is the matter that gets you enthusiastic on cigarettes. This makes your brain faster to make cigarettes even more addictive.

Effects of smoking 
·         You'll find yourself with wrinkle around your eyes and mouth. 
·         Dry, unhealthy, older-looking, faster-aging skin
·         Yellowish, brownish tobacco-stained teeth, gum disease and bad breath. 

According to the researchers conducted, risk of developing 2 type of diabetes is higher for a smoker than a non-smoker. Smoking increases the risk of obstacle and death from diabetes as well. If you smoke, you are 2 to 3 times more likely to have a heart attack than a non-smoker as stated in researchers and more likely to die from heart diseases. Smokers are more likely to have strokes, blood clots as well.

Tobacco smoking is responsible for breathing obstructions which includes like emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Lung cancer is the disease of the smoker. As stated in recent discussions 90% of primary lung cancers caused by smoking. Lungs are damaged not only by the number of cigarettes that you drink but also results in smoking for longer time.

Benefits of a non-smoker over a smoker
·         Skin is already healthier because it's getting more oxygen and blood
·         The appearance get mature more slowly more than a smoker
·         Hands lost yellowish tint, teeth are no longer being discolored
·         Risk of diabetes is lower and make a healthier body and make physical activity easier
·         Risk of heart attack is lower

After three days as a non-smoker, you've noticed an improvement in your breathing. You might develop a bit of a cough as your lungs clear.

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