Saturday, October 12, 2013

Importance of Brown Rice

Most of us got used to eat white rice. However, brown rice is a much better choice because it is packed with nutrients that help to improve our health. 

Brown rice is a good source of selenium, manganese, and anti-oxidants. Also it is rich in fiber and helps you to lose weight and helps to lower the risk of diabetes. Therefore you should always favor brown rice over white rice. General opinion among researchers is that brown rice has greater health benefits compared to white rice.

Rice is considered as food of the half the people around the world. In Sri Lanka, China, India etc rice is the most consumed daily meal of the day. However, what most people around the world eat is white rice. 

In white rice, majority of essential nutrients are lost because of the milling and polishing involved in separating the grain from the core. It has been scientifically proven that the process to obtain a grain of white rice from the kernel destroys a major portion of essential nutrients like Vitamin B3, B1, iron etc. 

Brown rice is obtained by removing the outer layer of the kernel or lesser polishing and milling. This outer layer is known as husk. Therefore it is able to preserve most of its nutrients. This is why most of the dietitians and nutritionists around the world advise people to eat more of brown rice in their daily meals.

Health benefits of eating brown rice:

·         Rich in Manganese
The food we eat is used to produce energy. Manganese is one component of antioxidant enzyme which is really necessary in the process of producing energy. It helps the digestive system in breaking down proteins and carbohydrates. Manganese keeps these free radicals in check, thereby preventing any damage to the body. Manganese is also essential for maintaining a healthy nervous system.

·         Helps in Prevention of Colon Cancer

Selenium is a mineral which is significant in reducing colon cancer. It has been found that our daily diets are low in selenium. Selenium is beneficial in the prevention of heart diseases, asthma and arthritis. 

·         Helps in Maintaining Lower Cholesterol Levels
Oil in brown rice helps in reducing the LDL cholesterol which is associated with heart diseases. Over a period of time this can lead to a heart attack. Including brown rice in your daily intake is a great way of reducing the probability of having a heart attack.

·         Has Antibiotic Properties
High amount of calcium can be harmful for the body. Respond to the poor effects of calcium our diet should have sufficient amounts of magnesium in it. Brown rice is rich in magnesium.

·         Improving survival
Brown rice contains iron which is essential for production of red blood cells. Lack of red blood cells can lead to anemia. Zinc is presented in brown rice and helps in giving a boost to the immune system of the body.

·         Rich in Fiber

Fiber is very essential for the overall health to prevent diabetes and heart diseases.


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