Thursday, March 8, 2012

What are Blogs and Reflective Blogs?

cloudmediastudios (2011)
What is a Blog?

A blog is fundamentally a journal written by someone or a group of people which is available on the web where everybody can view (Matisse, 2011). 

According to Blogger (2012), a personal diary or a collaborative space. New topics are shown on the top. So that others can easily find what are the latest topics. Anyone without a technical knowledge can use the blog as its very easy to use.

The following video shows what is a Blog?
Youtube (2011)

According to En.wordpress (2012), there are different types of blogs such as personal, business, non-profit, military and educational. Under above categories people record the thoughts in an attractive manner.

According to Dailyblogtips (2011),there are Features that make Blogs different from websites such as,

  • Content is published in chronologically and is updated regularly. 
  • Readers can leave comments.
  • Others can interact via trackback.

History of Blogs
Today Blogging is very popular among the people around the world. The history of the blog is runnng to 1994 and it is done by Justin Hall in the stage of a student (Globalneighbourhoods, 2011). And Justin Hall a Swarthmore student and the first blog was
lh6.googleusercontent (2012)
Advantages of Blog (Onlineedublog,2012)
  • Can make changes in future according to the user requirements in different stages.
  • Can be accessed for everybody, if the blog is publicly visible.
  • Can express ideas and thoughts as well as share those ideas based on the situation.
Disadvantages of Blog ( Onlineedublog ,2012)
  • Required a lot of time to update and post comments.
  • If the blog is not up-to-date the number of followers of the blog will be reduced.
When would I use a blog?
  • To keep up to date progress of the group members project work.
  • To maintain a research diary.
  • To provide feedback for the work of the group members.
  • To share experience with classmates.
(Cottrell, 2008)

Blogs is an important tool to express the ideas while maintaining the relationships with interest holders. Blogs include features such as text, adding pictures / videos, archiving old topics, customization, etc. 

What is Reflective Blog?

A Reflective Blog is a writing that allows human beings to record thoughts and the experiences. This helps to evaluate the performance as well as planning the future goals. (Deoracle,2009) The writer needs to think in deep before writing this kind of a blog. This is a kind of reflective tool which needs to prepare blogs.

Structure of a Reflective Blog

The two types of reflective blogs are structured and unstructured. 
In structured  a question is given to express the ideas but in unstructured there is enough freedom to write the thoughts of themselves. (ar.cetl.hku, 2009)

Advantages of Reflective Blog (ar.cetl.hku, 2009)
  • Learners can do active learning with self driven.So many of the problems can be solved.
  • To get a better understanding of the students activities.
Disadvantages of Reflective Blog (ar.cetl.hku, 2009)
  • Time consuming to read the work and to provide feedback.
  • Clear guidelines are needed to understand the topic if it's not familiar.


  1. I got to know what is a blog by reading this. This is very good.

  2. this is perfect.I've had an idea on what is a blog

  3. Oh!!! really, i think video was very helpful to you :)

  4. This is a topic i don't understand. Only way to understand the video which you have put here

  5. Well, I am thankful and proud of you understanding about BLOGS :)
    i think u can improve your knowledge frm these kind of things..
