Saturday, June 30, 2012

The most important thing is to enjoy your life - to be happy

“Happy, healthy mothers produce happy, healthy babies!”

Have you heard the above statement? It reveals the significance of being happy with parent and child to perform well in the future life.

After the birth of the baby the mother will be again happy as the stress to adapt the baby is difficult. Constant stress in pregnancy has also been linked with low birth weight in babies. It's therefore in everyone's interests for Mom to pay extra attention to her emotional state, making relaxation and stress reduction two of her top priorities. So that the fathers should be responsible enough about the mothers stress in pregnancy period and should help a lot by making the life happy.

Sometimes regardless of our best efforts, life is stressful during pregnancy. If this is the case for you, then be sure to take time to do the things which makes you happy and calm. You can listen to the favorite music/ songs, watch favorite TV show, take a warm (middle heat) bubble bath. The importance of the physiological effects brought on by such activities can hardly be flashy. 

The simple act of relaxing deeply will alter the chemical composition of blood, reducing cortisol levels and improving resistant function. Not only is this good for your baby's developing nervous and immune systems, but you will feel stronger and less tired out too. Mother will of course also want to keep her energy levels up in preparation for the birth of new baby.

After the born of the baby then the whole family can pull together and help mother and the baby be as healthy and happy as possible - by encouraging mother to eat well and get plenty of rest, by reminding her to take her pregnancy supplements, and by helping her to remain as calm and relaxed as possible. Then and only the whole family can spend the time happily healthy in future.  Next the mother and baby can spend the time enjoying and lovely.

At the new birth the father and the parties of the both sides have a great responsibility to protect the mother and baby. And also to make the life happier of the mother and helping a lot by giving fresh food helps to live strongly. Finally I would like to say that to be happy only thing is to be healthy. “Arogya paramalaba – Santhutick paraman danan” is the main aspire of all of us in the life.  God loves us and loves to see us happy.  You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life. Your success and happiness lies in you.

Are you an Employee? Are you Happy in the company? If so/ not, have a look for the Importance of Keeping Employees Happy

While keeping clients of a company happy has been a peak of business success for years, ensuring employee happiness has not always been such a priority. However, many managers realize that happy employees mean efficient employees and better work cultures who are trying to offer the best service to the valued customers. Establishing the employee happiness is also an important task where the responsibility of managers should perform well.

Hiring and training new employees is time-consuming and expensive. Unless an employee is a liability to the company, it's always better for employers to keep the existing people they have by making themselves happy. If the employers are not looking at the employees then they are not happy. And also the highly skilled or educated will look for work elsewhere. When employees feel happy at work, however, they are more likely to stay with the manager by performing well at their employment. Some companies keep millions of employees and take a heavy work load by making them over stress. So that those employees feel sad and try to find new companies and go for the job. But employees who get the help from manager spend a lovely life.

Customer Service
In every company the employee’s customer service is high on the first few days after the establishment of the company. Most people have been customers at an establishment where the employees were not happy to be there. If the service is good even at the first impression customers run to that company rapidly. At worst, employees have bad attitudes and over stressed and are outright rude to customers. At best, employees simply don't go beyond the call of duty to satisfy the customer, which is never something management wants to hear. Customers, who are happy and enthusiastic about their jobs, go above and beyond because they genuinely enjoy their work and interacting with customers. If the customer attracted to a company then the revenue to the company is adding and can close the cost.

Customers like the employee’s best performance in the work environment. If the manager is giving the salary at the correct time period and he/ she takes the employees on a tour then the performance is higher than bored. If the employees act with self-discipline protectable  then the customer performance also will be high. And also if the both parties performance is high then the company will have a good demand in the society.

In addition to saving employers the cost of hiring and training employees, happy employees can save employers money through making fewer mistakes and getting projects done on time. Happy employees may be less and they won’t leak information, stealing company property or, Business Management Daily notes, waging lawsuits. If the employees act correctly then the profit of the company can be go over and demand will open the path with best customers to the company. 

Friday, June 29, 2012

Is The Importance Of Being Happy In Life?

Happy is a very important part of life. Happiness comes with all the little and big things you do and the things that satisfy you. Life is like a turning and parody paths; it has various forms and colors. One cannot have happiness or cannot be happy in his entire life. But still he is happy, and thankful to god for all that he has; but the satisfaction in one’s self is the real happiness in life.
There are people who have everything and yet they are not happy. They have money, all the luxuries in life but they do not have peace of mind. Such people can never be happy. Happy are those who have nothing and yet everything.
Is happiness, for every human being, predictably linked to physical and social circumstances? Or is it an ever-present possibility, reachable by a simple decision? 

There are economic and social changes going on throughout the group of people. All the people get together to a table and trying to restructure their relationships by designing new countries, boundaries, economic and social attitudes in order to perform on the work well. People are trying to redesign the external structures by which they relate to themselves, but they're bringing to the table with many faces of unhappiness. Even though all of the people are unsatisfied then there is no approaching for that table with happily, comfortably, and open heartedly. 

I sometimes wish I could work with such people and help them to be truly present and non-judgmental. With that perspective, not only would they be much more productive, but also more effectively. 
Finally I would like to say that happiness is essential for everyone to spend the life successfully. And also today children feel stressed as they are busy with school work and no happiness in the life. And some parents chase the children and those children loss happy. But parents should look for this matter and give the chance to be happy. In college students spend the time happily than at home. They also spend the time happily with the friends most of the time. 

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Factors correlated with Hapiness

There are various factors that have been correlated with happiness. But no validated method found to improve long-term happiness in a meaningful way for people.
Psychologist Martin Seligman provides the acronym PERMA to summarize Positive Psychology's corelational findings for humans seem happiest when they have;
1.      Pleasure (tasty foods, warm baths, etc.)
2.      Engagement (or flow, the absorption of an enjoyed yet challenging activity)
3.      Relationships (social ties have turned out to be extremely reliable indicator of happiness)
4.      Meaning (a perceived quest or belonging to something bigger)
5.      Accomplishments (having realized tangible goals).

Religious Perspectives
The religions in this world are also related with happiness. And the teaching have proved that happiness is important to celebrate a real good pleasure life full of joy peace and harmony.
Happiness forms a central theme of Buddhist teachings. For final freedom from suffering leads to the last pace of the valuable Noble Eightfold Path’s Nirvana which states for peace.  Noble Eightfold Path means the Arya Ashtangika Margaya in Sinhala words. And the main aim of this is to achieve nirvana in the final steps and to spend the life happily. Happiness can be achieved by overcoming the desire in each component. If people have more wealth, friends it’s not waiting all the time it may lose. But happiness can’t destroy forever for anybody. There is a statement which says that “Be happy from what you get”. This is very important because all of us many not get the same adequate of wealth, food, other requirements as others. But as Buddhists we should be happy from what we have. If the person has low necessities without the luxurious way he should try to be happy in the life. 
Happiness is the good fortune in the basic level definition. In Catholicism, the ultimate end of human existence consists in felicity, Latin equivalent to the "blessed happiness" as a Beatific Vision of God's essence in the next life. Human complexities, like reason can produce well-being or happiness.

Economic View
In the financial vision the rich community tends to be happier than poor nations. But this cause in reducing or diminishing the wealth of a person. This is shown clearly in Buddhism by Lord Buddha.
Happiness helps to replace the traditional measures. Mostly the choices of people are decreasing day by day as the happiness is hurt by another party. So that some have thought to go for nirvana without enjoying the life more. It’s actually true even though we can do it by meditating and understanding the deep of the Buddhism. 

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Experience praises the most happy the one who made the most people happy

What is Happiness?

Smiley Face is the representation of Happiness. Happiness is a psychological as well as emotional condition of well-being differentiates by pleasant emotions. Generally What "happiness" is ? and How we might attain it? are the questions approaching to the mind. The answer can be defined like this. Happiness is needed for living a good life rather than an emotion. Happiness is a fuzzy concept and can signify many things to many people.

Let’s look at some definitions of Happiness.
In the 2nd Edition of Handbook of Emotions, Leda Cosmides and John Tooby said that happiness comes from "encountering unexpected positive events".
In the 3rd Edition of the Handbook of Emotions, Michael Lewis said that "happiness can be obtained by seeing a significant other".
In a March 2009 edition of The Journal of Positive Psychology, Sara Algoe and Jonathan Haidt said that "happiness" may be the label for a family related emotional state, such as joy, satisfaction, gratification, excitement, and victory.
A Harvard Business School study found that "spending money on others actually makes us happier than spending it on ourselves"
Happiness through life

All of us attempt to find and keep happiness through the life. Nobody is happy most of the time. To be happy the achievements, outcome, relationship is not the necessity. But we can follow some steps to be happy in the life. You also try these steps.
Be optimistic
Follow your gut
Make enough money to meet your basic needs.
Stay close to friends and family.
Have deep, meaningful conversations.
Find happiness in the job you have now.
Make friends who share your interests or faith.
Turn your favorite music up loud and do a stupid dance to it.
Talk to yourself in the mirror.
Try a new food.
Rearrange your room in a weird way.
Write a funny or inspiring quote on your mirror.
Scream as loud as you can (warn your family first!) and bounce up and down; jump all around.
Get your swimsuit on, go outside and turn the hose on yourself, if it's a hot day.
If you have a child, either now or in the future, tell them often how much you love and admire him/her and do anything to help him/her.
Keep in close touch with relatives and a small circle of friends. You can't beat their love and support.
If there's a person in your life who is a negative influence and who is dragging you down in some way, don't be afraid to remove such a person from your life.
If you are continually unhappy or depressed, seek professional help.
Happy people are not happy all the time. Everyone has times when they feel sad, guilty and angry etc.
Happy people are just better at active back to a state of contentedness.
We may all feel negative at some moment in our lives, but try to bounce back and live in the moment, and be content with everything you do.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Uses of ICT in society

Today ICT has become an important part of day-to-day life. Most human activities now take place with the aid of ICT solutions. The reason for that is ICT gives effective and speed solutions to the real life problems. ICT has the capability to satisfy the life of people in an effective manner.

Learning and teaching is easy by using the Information Technology. And now there are online methods of teaching as well as learning for students, graduates. Computer Assisted School Administration involves use of IT to automate activities by keeping records of students, results etc. In foreign countries the students star using the computers from the grade one and when they grow up they will have a good knowledge and they will be having good internships as well as innovations too.


IT is used to automate the manual accounting systems. The automated teller machines are used in the banking industry which is now as ATM. And also tele-banking, online banking are nowadays popular among people as it uses advanced Information Technology.

Railways and aero plans use Information Technology for reserving seats, checking luggage, maintaining time tables as well as for duties of crew.

There are special computers in hospitals which help to make the tasks easier. For instance CAT scanners and maintain patient records electronic databases are used. In Sri Lanka Asiri Surgical, Durdans, Nawaloka have the patients past records like patient biography, doctors channeled, medicine offered, diseases etc. And when the patient goes to the hospital in nother one year the hospital can identify the patient by Identity card number or mobile number. So it’s very useful in medical industry.

To track the criminals through maintenance of databases Information Technology is used. If the hacker is doing any unwanted stuff to these defense systems the world defense privacy is lost and last few days the World Defense Authority was fully protected by using new antivirus guards to protect the details.

To prepare the drawing using CAD, CAM the engineers use Information Technology. To build the plans for buildings mostly it’s useful. Robots also use the same technology but its bit advance.

Covers the video games and music played back by computers with multimedia facilities.

In a broader way ICT is used in world in sections like E-commerce, Manufacturing, Communication, Crime etc. In my opinion in future all most every company will be computerized and people should have a great knowledge on Information Technology in order to perform the tasks. Then the world will be digitalized. And the students from the little age will be able to use the Information Technology.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Students selecting IT subject

In the school there are compulsory and basket subjects. And basket subjects can be again categorized as 1, 2 and 3. In the third section IT subject is placing with health, cookery, agriculture. As most of the students don’t have knowledge about the computer they are not choosing that by thinking this subject will be harder than other subjects. But the hard working, thinking students consider that IT is needed for us in future and we should start learning it. But today there are a few people who think similar to this and do the work. And also students see whether is there tuition classes for us to attend after school if not they skip the IT.  While comparing the urban areas with rural areas, in rural areas the Nanasala and some other places have the ability to distribute the fundamental knowledge about IT. But it’s not enough to the students and they do not learn the Information Technology.  

However the city students are in touch with the Information Technology in the life every time. They choose the Information Technology and learn it easily and interestingly and at present they work as ICT Manager, Software Engineer etc. But now the Sri Lankan government has decided to deal out with the process by sending urban area people who are interested in IT to rural areas and to teach the village students by improving the valuable knowledge in the field of Information Technology.

E-Swabavamani, ICT4D, E-Sri Lanka are some of the program conducted by the ICTA with the sponsor of Government which dedicate both rural and urban area people to improve the IT talents by conducting seminars, competitions. And also the winners are sending to the international level as well. Some companies offer scholarships to the students to learn the ICT. Any way in future the students can’t live without knowledge of ICT so that now only start learning it by making Information Technology as the favorite and easy subject.

While considering to the author’s ideas about IT it’s like this…..

Author was fully interested to learn Information Technology from the early days. I started using the computers in the small time and up to now I have a deep knowledge in ICT. When the paper to select the basket subjects was given I didn’t read the other subjects in the 3rd section I just selected ICT and gave it. Initially only I was there with my two friends. But at the end after explaining the importance there were twenty students. I did ICT for G.C.E.O/L by making it as the favorite easy subject. After that as I am interested in ICT, I selected the BIT degree in APIIT and did the foundation course easily without getting the content serious. I next still am doing the first year subjects easily with the help of colleagues easily and happily. My last opinion is to be a fruitful person who can offer the job conveniently to the country.
Opportunities of Information Technology
  • Enhance interaction with peers over long distance
  • Provides more realistic information on life
  • Helps access information on jobs
  • Helps research and information sharing
  • Breaks distance and literacy barriers in communication 

Value of Information Technology

The Information Communication Technology segment is acknowledged worldwide as a tool that could be used to increase the productivity, efficiency and effectiveness of occupation.  Information Technology is the branch of Engineering that deals with the use of computers and telecommunications to store retrieve and transmit information. The technology has enabled dramatic changes in the job market rapidly. The gaining, processing, storage and distribution of vocal, pictorial, textual and numerical information based combination of computing and telecommunications are its main fields. Every sector of the economy is forced to use this technology to make the work effective and efficient in order to maintain the competitive edge. With the prompt advancements are mainly driven in the field of computer science Information Technology makes the lives much easier.
Information Technology is the area of managing technology and extents a wide variety of areas that include computer software, information systems, computer hardware, programming languages. Information Technology provides businesses with four sets of core services to help execute the business strategy such as business process automation, providing information, connecting with customers, and productivity tools. IT professionals perform a variety of functions that range from installing applications to designing complex computer networks and information databases. A few of the duties that IT professionals perform may include data management, networking, engineering computer hardware, database and software design, as well as management and administration of entire systems.
Earlier the work was done using mostly man power but with the growth of intelligent, the people initiate discovering new innovations and afterwards Information Technology became popular.  After introducing the computer by Charles Babage the computer related technology growth increased little by little. The Information technology is starting to spread further than the predictable personal computer and network technologies, and more into integrations of other technologies such as the use of cell phones, televisions, automobiles, and more, which is increasing the demand for such jobs. As the world is moving with technology institutes have increased the courses which are related to the Information Technology and to tender a superior knowledge regarding the value chain of Information Communication and Technology.
Therefore those who enter to the job market should have get hold of proper IT skills to enter to employment. But students in rural areas don’t have the opportunity to use Information Technology as the school curriculum is not powerful and lack of facilities. But urban areas like Colombo, Galle spend the time with Information Technology. Therefore it is important to bridge the gap between requirements of industry and education. Especially the interest for Information Technology among students should be developed while entrepreneurial skills are developing by themselves. When the word changes the nation should try to adapt to that culture successfully.

While comparing the rates for Computer Awareness and Literacy the highest standard is there for the Awareness as the knowledge of using computers is a simple task where as using computers to specific tasks. By looking at the past years records I can say that, since Sri Lanka is in beginning of the pioneering ICT; the demand for the ICT knowledge is low level. Therefore the IT syllabus is purposed for G.C.E O/L Examination as a technical subject by the Ministry of Education and National Institute of Education. Intend of introducing IT is to develop the use of ICT tools and build the need of those to students to higher education. After that for further studies the General Information Technology has being introduced by the Ministry of Education for G.C.E A/L Examination.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Who is more important Family or Friend?

Researches which have been conducted have shown that
  • Social support is related to psychological well-being, less likely she is to feel depressed and anxious.
  • High levels of social support expect more job satisfaction and longer job occupancy than low levels of social support.
There are incalculable other publications on the important roles both friends and family can play in our lives, and the general agreement is that social support is very essential for life success. “Many people will walk in and out of your life; but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart." The children are usually closer to their parents and their siblings as compared to any other person in the world. As the children grow up they find good friends, colleagues to share their lives with.

Friends are our truest treasures. Because friends accept us for who we are, we gain the confidence to dream great dream and to make them real through in the life. Friends liven up our days with their twisted humor, their honest answers, and their ability to bear our gloating when we beat them at golf or tennis. We can even trust them with our most embarrassing secrets! What a relief it is for us to reveal our true selves to someone! Friendship is the blessing and the greatest gift to mankind. Friends are God's apology for relations.   When we are born, we are gifted with the blood relations who make our family. But friendship is not a blood relation; this is the relation which we choose according to our will. Friendship is a very sweet and emotional relationship which gives a man the whole happiness of life. It makes one’s life so easy and peaceful.

Friendship is just like the water. As water gets the shape of that pot in which it is poured, friendship gets the same shape according to the situation. Friendship is an everlasting relation which comes from heart to heart. If the family is stress with the office work family members or even parent are blaming their own children. Then the children will affect to this and loss the fun in life and they spend the time sadly. So that someone can say friends are important than family. That’s true in one side. So we say our sorrow to the friend and get advice or try to be joyful in life by making the life as a shining star in the sky. Even though where we can’t express the ideas to the family, we can say to the friends who are shadows of us in the life. Therefore somebody can say that Friends are more important than the family.

But in my opinion I believe that family is more significant than friends. In the first place, we can always trust our family’s members. When we have a trouble and we need some help, who will help us first? Of course, the family members help us in numerous ways. Even though when we are ill the family members get us for the hospital. There is nothing better than having a place you can call as home, where you feel loved, appreciated and safe. When we go home after school, class or after work at office; family will greet or look us amazing to hear the stories about us. Then the defects to us can be express and family will try to satisfy us by providing at least that stuff before we leave home.
So I think parents or family is the best suitable answer to the question which I raised before. I have evidence to prove my point of view. “The family is one of nature's masterpieces.”

From my childhood I had several friends and still. We share our experience, ideas, work, food and all in every time. But you many not known that well. And also the have helped me a lot by scarifying their valuable time with me and office work. They search all about myself and offer the solutions quickly. We spend more time with family and are happy. Even though I express some secrets to friends they keep it as a secret with them without letting others to know. But this I do to family too. Then you will have a question. But Final answer is family is more significant than friends.

As the family goes, so goes the nation and so goes the whole world in which we live

 Family life is a bit like a runny peach pie - not perfect but who's complaining

“To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind
 If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him”

You find yourself loving their characteristic so much more. You thank them for the things they provided for you as a child, and you look forward to one day being that same source of strength they were to you in your young age, to them in their old age. It is a note that vibrates deep within my heart string. Family is very important to all of us. Multi-generational bonds represent a valuable resource for families in the 21st century and are becoming more important than nuclear family ties for well-being and support over the course of our lives.
As a family, it is the job to cultivate the bond between siblings of the child as well as between each parent and child. This is especially important in a single-child family. If it's feasible, expose these children to as much time as possible with extended family, preferably cousins who are similar in age to them. . The goals you set for yourself in your life are very much dependent on the life you have with your family.
How can the family build the bond strongly?
Ways to form stronger bonds with children are as follows.
1. Meals should be a peaceful, joyous time and it's important to create an atmosphere that's conducive to good communication. But escape the distractions like phone, television. Eating together promotes good eating habits, offer time to speak about the day.
2. I believe one of the best ways for a family to spend time together is to go out into nature. This is an amazing way to cooperative with each other and our surroundings. Also if the night is arranged for a good activity where all family members can participate; it’s better to have fun with kids.  This can be a family restaurant, a game.
3. Another one of my favorite family-building activities is going on vacation together. We enjoy visiting the zoo, the beach, museums, historic sites, and parks. Going on a country drive or a bus ride through the city is another great way to bond. Family vacations and mini-vacations don't have to be expensive, grandiose or even long for the family to enjoy time together.
4. Helping the child with their homework not only allows you to spend time together, but enables you to see what they are learning and how they are doing. The support to do the home work is a hand to the child to complete it early by understanding the concept 100% correctly.
5. You can help the children to read the lesson in a book to improve the knowledge and to refresh the vocabulary daily by reading at least 30 minutes daily. Then the family and child can spend some time on a particular scenario in the book.
6. Getting involved in the children’s hobbies like collecting stamps, playing cards drawing/ painting. To this physiologically the both parties can relax the mind and can express themselves in any way.
7. Encouraging children to be active and exercising together you advance healthier habits for both you and your child while you both communicate about the activities you are performing well.

Spending time with Family
With today's busy lifestyles, parents and grandparents want to spend more quality time with their children. Quality time is the time spent with parent and child as well as family members really get to know each other. Quality time is spent focusing attention on the other person and sharing thoughts and feelings.

Spending time with our children can be fun and educational for us and for them. Much of the child's basic learning takes place in the many informal situations that occur daily in the life of the family. Children learn about families from the time they spend in their own families. Children learn about birth and caring for another person when a new baby comes home from the hospital. They learn about marriage and relationships by watching their mothers and fathers interact. Children learn about trust at home from their parents. To help the children grow and mature well, family should help children learn about life and living in today's society.
Unless academic studies or job requires need the mobile switch on when go home. If something can wait until morning, let it wait to spend time with family and children at home. If the calls come or if you bring work to home then also you can’t spend time with family happily.
If there is art shows, match, movies, get together try to attend to those with the family. But whenever possible, you should make an attempt to be going all of these. And schedule the work activities well and try to be with family most of the time.
The testimonial said by Bridgette Tillman “Work is important, but having a life is more important” came to my mind. , But by scheduling the time to be with family will help to build stronger bond in the family without any conflict.

As the current world is busy the world has sorted a special day to celebrate the “Family Day” where it is a holiday. We celebrate love, linkage and the uniqueness of the family. We are committed to this day no matter what the obstacles come to us work, school, activities, sports or house maintenance. This is the day that we wake up as one and go to bed as one with altogether.
 Family means putting your arms around each other and being there. 

Rejoice with the family in the beautiful land of life!

In human context, a family is a group of people associated by similarity or co-residence. In most societies it is the main foundation for the socialization of children. Not everyone out there can imagine life without a family. For most of us our family is an integral part of our lives. No law in this world can challenge this fact. The moment you enter this merciless world, kids can’t live along without the family. All of us have face to this situation in the life and without someone taking care of us we can’t live in this world.

In this respect it remains of greatest importance to initiate, cultivate, maintain, and prioritize family relationships. While we live with the family we can maintain the tradition, values in an ordered manner. Psychologists believe that a child learns the most from his or her family life. The children who have a sound family background and who belong to a family with strong family ties are almost always happier. Thus one cannot deny the importance of family life. Genealogy is a field which aims to map out the family lineages through history. “The Family That Plays Together – Stays Together” the statement shows how important the spending time with the family and children happily.

Types of Families
A "conjugal" family includes only the husband, the wife, and unmarried children who are not of age. Regularly this type of family is referred as a “nuclear” family. The concept of consanguinity originally referred to relations by blood in the society. Genes give a background of behavioral types that can be passed on to the child. Genetics is helpful for diseases or problems you may see with your child. The next type of family is “extended” family.  This refers to consanguine or kindred family where same blood.

Most Western societies employ Eskimo kinship terminology. This kinship terminology commonly occurs in societies based on nuclear families, where nuclear families have a degree of relative mobility. Members of the nuclear use descriptive kinship terms:
§  Mother: a female parent
§  Father: a male parent
§  Son: a male child of the parent
§  Daughter: a female child of the parent
§  Brother: a male child of the same parent
§  Sister: a female child of the same parent
§  Grandfather: father of a father or mother
§  Grandmother: mother of a mother or father
§  Cousins: two people that share the same grandparent
The great gift of family life is to be warmly familiar with people you might never even introduce yourself to, had life not done it for you. 

The family is a haven in a heartless world
Can you remember this situation I the early stages of life? When you are sick your parents must have spent sleepless nights to ensure that you feel homely, get well. No one other than the family of yours care about you by providing shelf. The values and coaching passed on to us from our family members will stay there guiding us for the rest of our lives, thereby ensuring our growth and survival in the society. Family is responsible for our unique identity by actions. Individuals with extended family enjoy more benefits over a person who decides to lead a singly life. A person with a family receives an emotional edge, which often results into his success in life.

When the family is around at a time of gloomy like accident, death or happy like birthday, new business venture, wedding us also can face to that situation well. Amazing things can happen when a family comes together to do things together.

At present how we are standing? Time a moment! As our family especially Parents or grand- parents adapt us by ensuring the responsibility of teaching, feeding as well as caring today we are standing happy and facing any kind of challenge bravely. While we are spending our lives we should care about the religion and respect it well as we have learned a great deal from family.  As a child you find comfort in hanging out with your parents. As a teenager you find identity when you step away from parents and illustrate your independence. As a young adult as you are now independent, you learn to appreciate them so much more.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Sports is human life in microcosm

Sports are essential and a necessity for everybody. Physical exercise keeps the body fit and trim, thus ensuring healthy eating habits. If there are no games for children in school, they tend to get weary and bored of school routine, and studies become a drag. The love of sports developed in children will remain with them when they get older. Sport keeps people’s body in an excellent shape. 
There is no hidden fact that sports are valuable in the older ages as it helps in strengthening and toning the muscles and bones in the body and lets you age gracefully. Sports also beat good qualities in us. Involving oneself in competitive sports will encourage healthy competition. Taking up captainship in team games will inculcate leadership qualities as well as the team spirit.

“All study and no play make Jack a dull boy” Most of the students are similar to the proverb which I mentioned here before. You may feel that, if we spend your time in playing, when should we study? Here is a solution … J Study in the morning as the mind is fresh. After you return home from school, play for about one or two hours as the mind is tired. Then you can study again. Researcher showed that students partaking in sports were having better academic performance.
When playing Cricket, hockey; it teaches the players how to work in groups while building the team spirit and relationships with co-workers. They know how to act in victory and defeat in the life while facing to the challenges. Sports make people mentally strong. Success and failure are both parts of sports as well as in the life. When they are involved in sports, their physical energies are used up in a constructive way.
Teenage is such an vulnerable age, if youngsters are given free time they might get involved in wrong activities. Thus, the youngsters can get involve in sport activities.  Regularly indulging in sports helps in keeping the resistant system strong and prevents any kind of disease occurring. It also increases the desire for food of the person. Thus, sports promote good health. When a person do extremely well in a particular sports, he becomes very self confident. Sports inculcate discipline, dedication and responsibility which is able to apply in other areas of life as well. 

"Every sport pretends to a literature, but people don't believe it of any other sport but their own." The obesity graph for children and adults has been growing drastically since the past few years, which applies for an increase in school sports. Parents are responsible to develop an interest and understanding of the importance of games for their kids. Outdoor games are leisure and they ensure that children are exposed to fresh air and exercise, which they might not get at home. These games not only give physical education but they instill educational and social values in children. The children develop a skill of eye and limbs, and they learn to coordinate with the time as well.
Sports help to build a healthy country full of healthy community.  “Health is wealth” means that those who have understood its importance will try to keep themselves fit. Apart from a balanced diet, sports are necessary to maintain our health.
15 Asian Junior Athletic Championship

The 15th Asian Junior Athletic Championship was successfully completed at the Sugathadasa Stadium on 12th June 2012 evening.  The Championship was started on the 9th of this months and athletes from 34 countries participated. China emerged champions by securing a tally of 16 medals including 10 gold, 2 silver and one bronze. Six new meet records were also set up at this event including an Asian Junior record.

On the final day yesterday, Sri Lankan athletes won the silver medal from the 400 meter relay event. 
Given below is the medals table of the event.
Chinese Taipei
Sri Lanka
Saudi Arabia                
DPR Korea                  
Hong Kong                  

Sri Lanka's women's relay team after winning the Silver medal in the women's 4x400 relay finals at the Sugathadasa Stadium. Sri Lankan players; Shiwanthi Kumari Ratnayake and R A Dulaj Madusanka quenched the thirst of local fans by winning the gold medals for Sri Lanka respectively. Ratnayake became the First Lankan Athlete to win a Gold Medal at the 15th edition of the games. She brought honor when she won the women’s 400 meters, clocking 55.91 seconds, ahead of India’s Priyanka Mondal who finished the event in 56.01 seconds.

Madusanka bagged his gold medal when he finished the event in 47.36 seconds to secure the second gold medal for Sri Lanka. He was stable since the start and seemed packed with full strength in the final 100 meters. Madusanka was qualified for the World Junior Athletics Championship in Barcelona after clocking 47:75 seconds in Saturday’s heat. Madushanka never slowed down until he crossed the finish line.

Meanwhile Nimesha Siriwardena had to satisfy with the silver medal although she cleared 1.79 metres, the equal height to gold medalist Wu Meng- Chia of Chinese Taipei. China’s Liu Xiao Yun won the bronze medal clearing a height of 1.76 metres.
The brief information about Scores of the Junior Athletics Championship 2012

Men’s 400 metres final
1. R A Dulaj Madusanka ( Sri Lanka ) 47.36 seocnds
2. Kimura Kazushi ( Japan ) 47.53 seconds
3. Kaabi Bandar Atiyah ( Kazakhstan ) 47.73 seconds

Women’s 400 metres final
1. R M S K Ratnayake ( Sri Lanka ) 55.91 seconds
2. Mondal Priyanka ( India ) 55.01 seconds
3. Andreyeva Olga ( Kazakhastan ) 56.03 seconds

Women’s high jump
1. Wu Meng Chia ( Chinese Taipei ) 1.79 metres
2. H M Nimesha Siriwardane ( Sri Lanka ) 1.79 metres
3. Liu Xiao Yun ( China ) 1.76 metres