Sunday, June 24, 2012

As the family goes, so goes the nation and so goes the whole world in which we live

 Family life is a bit like a runny peach pie - not perfect but who's complaining

“To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind
 If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him”

You find yourself loving their characteristic so much more. You thank them for the things they provided for you as a child, and you look forward to one day being that same source of strength they were to you in your young age, to them in their old age. It is a note that vibrates deep within my heart string. Family is very important to all of us. Multi-generational bonds represent a valuable resource for families in the 21st century and are becoming more important than nuclear family ties for well-being and support over the course of our lives.
As a family, it is the job to cultivate the bond between siblings of the child as well as between each parent and child. This is especially important in a single-child family. If it's feasible, expose these children to as much time as possible with extended family, preferably cousins who are similar in age to them. . The goals you set for yourself in your life are very much dependent on the life you have with your family.
How can the family build the bond strongly?
Ways to form stronger bonds with children are as follows.
1. Meals should be a peaceful, joyous time and it's important to create an atmosphere that's conducive to good communication. But escape the distractions like phone, television. Eating together promotes good eating habits, offer time to speak about the day.
2. I believe one of the best ways for a family to spend time together is to go out into nature. This is an amazing way to cooperative with each other and our surroundings. Also if the night is arranged for a good activity where all family members can participate; it’s better to have fun with kids.  This can be a family restaurant, a game.
3. Another one of my favorite family-building activities is going on vacation together. We enjoy visiting the zoo, the beach, museums, historic sites, and parks. Going on a country drive or a bus ride through the city is another great way to bond. Family vacations and mini-vacations don't have to be expensive, grandiose or even long for the family to enjoy time together.
4. Helping the child with their homework not only allows you to spend time together, but enables you to see what they are learning and how they are doing. The support to do the home work is a hand to the child to complete it early by understanding the concept 100% correctly.
5. You can help the children to read the lesson in a book to improve the knowledge and to refresh the vocabulary daily by reading at least 30 minutes daily. Then the family and child can spend some time on a particular scenario in the book.
6. Getting involved in the children’s hobbies like collecting stamps, playing cards drawing/ painting. To this physiologically the both parties can relax the mind and can express themselves in any way.
7. Encouraging children to be active and exercising together you advance healthier habits for both you and your child while you both communicate about the activities you are performing well.

Spending time with Family
With today's busy lifestyles, parents and grandparents want to spend more quality time with their children. Quality time is the time spent with parent and child as well as family members really get to know each other. Quality time is spent focusing attention on the other person and sharing thoughts and feelings.

Spending time with our children can be fun and educational for us and for them. Much of the child's basic learning takes place in the many informal situations that occur daily in the life of the family. Children learn about families from the time they spend in their own families. Children learn about birth and caring for another person when a new baby comes home from the hospital. They learn about marriage and relationships by watching their mothers and fathers interact. Children learn about trust at home from their parents. To help the children grow and mature well, family should help children learn about life and living in today's society.
Unless academic studies or job requires need the mobile switch on when go home. If something can wait until morning, let it wait to spend time with family and children at home. If the calls come or if you bring work to home then also you can’t spend time with family happily.
If there is art shows, match, movies, get together try to attend to those with the family. But whenever possible, you should make an attempt to be going all of these. And schedule the work activities well and try to be with family most of the time.
The testimonial said by Bridgette Tillman “Work is important, but having a life is more important” came to my mind. , But by scheduling the time to be with family will help to build stronger bond in the family without any conflict.

As the current world is busy the world has sorted a special day to celebrate the “Family Day” where it is a holiday. We celebrate love, linkage and the uniqueness of the family. We are committed to this day no matter what the obstacles come to us work, school, activities, sports or house maintenance. This is the day that we wake up as one and go to bed as one with altogether.
 Family means putting your arms around each other and being there. 


  1. Rejoice with the family in the beautiful land of life!

    As the family goes, so goes the nation and so goes the whole world in which we live

    Who is more important Family or Friend?

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    Here are some great tips for students to spend time with parents and friends and the parents as well as family member to spend time with the children.

    Today most of the parents come home and eat, sleep and go in next morning to office but they don’t have time to see or speak to the child. Hey, Listen to this. This post contains how to manage the valuable time to spend time with your children or family. And also who is more important “Friend or Family”.

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    Next you have a lot to learn from this. For the sake of your kids, as parents should sacrifice for them. Best wishes …

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