Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Experience praises the most happy the one who made the most people happy

What is Happiness?

Smiley Face is the representation of Happiness. Happiness is a psychological as well as emotional condition of well-being differentiates by pleasant emotions. Generally What "happiness" is ? and How we might attain it? are the questions approaching to the mind. The answer can be defined like this. Happiness is needed for living a good life rather than an emotion. Happiness is a fuzzy concept and can signify many things to many people.

Let’s look at some definitions of Happiness.
In the 2nd Edition of Handbook of Emotions, Leda Cosmides and John Tooby said that happiness comes from "encountering unexpected positive events".
In the 3rd Edition of the Handbook of Emotions, Michael Lewis said that "happiness can be obtained by seeing a significant other".
In a March 2009 edition of The Journal of Positive Psychology, Sara Algoe and Jonathan Haidt said that "happiness" may be the label for a family related emotional state, such as joy, satisfaction, gratification, excitement, and victory.
A Harvard Business School study found that "spending money on others actually makes us happier than spending it on ourselves"
Happiness through life

All of us attempt to find and keep happiness through the life. Nobody is happy most of the time. To be happy the achievements, outcome, relationship is not the necessity. But we can follow some steps to be happy in the life. You also try these steps.
Be optimistic
Follow your gut
Make enough money to meet your basic needs.
Stay close to friends and family.
Have deep, meaningful conversations.
Find happiness in the job you have now.
Make friends who share your interests or faith.
Turn your favorite music up loud and do a stupid dance to it.
Talk to yourself in the mirror.
Try a new food.
Rearrange your room in a weird way.
Write a funny or inspiring quote on your mirror.
Scream as loud as you can (warn your family first!) and bounce up and down; jump all around.
Get your swimsuit on, go outside and turn the hose on yourself, if it's a hot day.
If you have a child, either now or in the future, tell them often how much you love and admire him/her and do anything to help him/her.
Keep in close touch with relatives and a small circle of friends. You can't beat their love and support.
If there's a person in your life who is a negative influence and who is dragging you down in some way, don't be afraid to remove such a person from your life.
If you are continually unhappy or depressed, seek professional help.
Happy people are not happy all the time. Everyone has times when they feel sad, guilty and angry etc.
Happy people are just better at active back to a state of contentedness.
We may all feel negative at some moment in our lives, but try to bounce back and live in the moment, and be content with everything you do.

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