Sunday, October 28, 2012

What are people doing to stop global warming?

People are doing numerous things to make an effort to stop global warming.  One thing people are doing is carpoolingCarpooling is driving with someone to a place that you are both going to.  This minimizes the amount of greenhouse gases put into the air by a car.
Another thing that people are doing is being more careful about leaving things turned on like the television, computer, and the lights.   A lot of people are taking time away from the television, and instead, they are spending more time outdoors.  This helps our planet out a lot.  
At the present moment, more people are riding in pubic passenger service busses, walking to school and riding their bikes to lower the amount of greenhouse gases in the air.  Planting trees more and more and recycling the used items also helps to reduce the global warming.  If you recycle, less rubbish goes to the dump, and less trash gets burned.  As a result, there are fewer greenhouse gasses in our atmosphere. 
Watch what you buy.  Many things, such as hairspray and deodorant, now are made to have less of an impact on the atmosphere.  Less greenhouse gasses will rise into the air, and global warming will slow down.
Global warming is not a conqueror to kneel before - but a challenge to rise to. A challenge we must rise to. 

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