Sunday, October 28, 2012

What are some of the other dangerous chemicals?

Some other chemicals that cause air pollution and are bad for the environment and people.
1.      Ozone- Ozone is produced when other pollution chemicals combine.  It is the basic element of smog.  It causes many different kinds of health issues dealing with the lungs.  It can damage plants and limit sight.  It can also cause a lot of property damage.

2.      VOC’s (volatile organic compounds, smog formers) - VOC’s are let into the air when fuel is burned. This chemical can cause cancer.  It can also harm plants.

3.      NOx (nitrogen dioxide) - This chemical forms smog.  It is also formed by burning sources of energy, like gas, coal, and oil, and by cars. This chemical causes problems in the respiratory system.  It causes acid rain, and it can damage trees.  This chemical can eat away buildings and statues.

4.      CO (carbon monoxide) - The source of this chemical is burning sources of energy.  It causes blood vessel problems and respiratory failures.

5.      PM-10 (particulate matter) - The source of this chemical is plowing and burning down fields.  It can cause death and lung damage.  It can make it hard for people to breathe.  The smoke, soot, ash, and dust formed by this chemical can make many cities dirty.

6.      Sulfur Dioxide- This chemical is produced by making paper and metals.  This chemical can cause permanent lung damage.  It can cause acid rain which kills trees and damages building and statues.

7.      Lead- This chemical is in paint, leaded gasoline, smelters, and in lead storage batteries.  It can cause many brain and nerve damages and digestive problems.
Kid can help stop global warming, too!!
Although adults do many things to help stop global warming, kids can do just as much.  Kids can’t do hard things like making a law, but we can do easier things like not watching as much TV.  You can listen to your parents when they say, turn off your lights or go play outside.  Listening to them and actually trying to help can help you, your environment, and the world.
I'm heartened by the growing awareness of global warming among important communities and organizations in our nation. 

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