Monday, July 9, 2012

Fluency of Speaking

Later on in your language-learning growth, when you’ve established your fluency people stop considering you as someone who’s trying really hard to learn the language and they start accepting you as someone who speaks the language in a correct manner.

Improve speaking a language well then you will be able to gain the success successfully. Then you will start speaking by adding three to five words in line bravely. Therefore successful speaking is essential. In future you will have to speak fluently at office.

Natives really don’t make many mistakes. They have occasional moments when their brain is going faster than their tongue. But mistakes are actually very rare.

Still some people make mistake as they are not more professionally fluent. As college students we are still improving our speaking ability in English Language. But anyway when the 2nd year starts we should be in speaking well English. Therefore your success is in hand just in second. I ‘m not shy to say that I am now in the stage of improving the speaking of English and my objective is to be fluent at the very beginning of the 2nd year. Then I believe that I can handle most of the things than now effectively.

If the English is professionally fluent you will be able to apply for Banks, International Companies or Organizations.  So those now onwards start speaking and improve that quickly. Some are practicing Sinhalese or Tamil or any other language. They gain success while we stay in slow path in practicing.

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