Monday, July 9, 2012

Objectives of an excellent student in life

Let see more advance options goals where we have to face in the life. They help to live in the society bravely with improved extended confidence and knowledge.

1) Students will make obvious respect.
Students will not interrupt others during discussions but they focus only the teaching lessons and share the experience with lecturer.  As you know there are set of rules in the classroom where the student should behave correctly while the lectures are going on. After the work is completed then keep those work area clean.

2) Students will be responsible the problems with the communities.
Students will address global problems concerning the environment, energy needs, human needs, social concerns and others. Students will seek out and discuss for the solutions and debate ideas for the most effective solutions.

3) Students will show confidence.
Students who exhibit confidence will be willing to participate in class and to provide ideas which are worthy to make decisions. These students will try new procedures and try again by practicing the same thing. Students will ask the teacher to clarify when they do not fully understand, and be willing to look for additional help if needed.

4) Students will set goals and evaluate their own learning and progress.
Students will set realistic goals for the semester, day, week and year. As weeks go by, students will become better at setting goals they are capable of achieving the targeted goals. Students will revise some same goals in the weekly basis as the college subject routine is same. Students will use a worksheet to track their progress and to assess their own understanding. And also the improvement in writing skills will be developed when start writing a blog. 

5 ) Students will be active in their own learning.           
Students will look for further resources when they feel they do not yet fully understand. Students will ask questions in class to clarify points of confusion. Students will create own diagrams to explain their concept clearly. Active learners will look into topics of interest beyond the classroom in the free time by referring to internet and books.

6) Students will use communication and cooperation skills effectively.
Students will be able to communicate clearly in large groups as well as one on one formally or informally. Students will be able to communicate ideas pithily through written language. Students will use correct terminology where appropriate while communicating with correct grammar and punctuation. Students will listen to other’s ideas and maintain eye contact during conversation and debates by maintaining the self- respect to both parties. Students who are able to cooperate are willing help the others as well as hare the work as groups. These two skills help to solve a problem among students successfully before reaching to the mentor or lecturer.

7) Students will understand the nature of knowledge.
Students will contribute in discussions by sharing the valuable tree of knowledge and compare different ways of knowing by offering the ideas.

I hope the above conferred goals are supercilious and as readers you will merit no less than my highest expectations by planning the goals profitably.  I am sure if you map the goals and objectives in the life you will never forget the article written by the Author Yuganthi.

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