Monday, July 9, 2012

Is it important to speak correctly?

Speaking is a verbalize element which is used to address a single or group of people. There are hundreds of languages in the world and each person can speak one/ two of them as well as to read or write things. Some can manage speaking a language with the standard language usage. Anyway speaking properly to a person is important to interact and to build relationships. If you address the person correctly then you will get the correct respond immediately.

Speaking can be done day to day life in many ways such as at cafe, meeting, school, office, through telephone etc. But you speak formally and informally in different occasions. Why is that? As an example, in office manager and an employee will peak formally regarding the reports or other officials. But when they met in tuck shop they definitely peak informally. Let’s see the difference between formal and informal talk.

Formal Vs Informal Talk

I hope that you have experience in a office where CEO, Manager or operational employees speak. That’s a great situation for Formal talk. Let’s think Mrs. John is the Manger of Emerald Company and Mr. Dicksen is working under Mrs. John. If the Manager asks “Why didn’t you attend to the attend to the meeting yesterday evening?”. Then Mr. Dicksen may say that “Yep, Madam... I was absent the the last five days with the fever. Sorry for that Madam. And I dropped a mail for you. And so on …” Like that formal discussions take part in the day to day life. And also I wish that at the college you have met the lecturers at the staff room. At that time for an issue you may talk formally with them.

And also we all chat with friends in the class room, cafe, lunch time and corridor informally. As in that manner both parties can easily express the expressions.  So this technique is using any type of words to chat. This is mainly until you join to a carrier you will be using at most of the time as it’s easy for you too. But please think twice before you express the words from your mouth to the public.

Getting started with speaking

Not only early stages but also present if a individual learning a language the main aim is to speak in an appropriate manner. Forming sounds, creating thoughts and start with speaking in that case the progress is made during the use of language. While speaking there may be mistakes but it can be improved promptly. Don’t be surprise or shy to speak with people. Occasionally natives make mistakes while speaking. It’s the way to progress the routine of speaking ability.

Talk and get better in learning the mistakes from the listeners who listen to your talk. The you can gain benefits. 

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