Monday, July 8, 2013

It is difficult to make changes in one's life. Do you agree with this statement?

Somebody who is going to change their lifestyle may face various challenges that make difficulties. There are many things to consider that play a role in a life change.

·         One of the major initial steps to altering a lifestyle is by wishing to do so. Personal experience can show that how in course of determination and hard work can prepare an improvement. For example, some people may be in their natural habitat feel it is troublesome and becoming peaceful and law-abiding is really good. Therefore, they may make their mind up to change because of the situations like addictions to drugs, harm to the body, participating in dangerous activities.

·         Another reason to change your life is because it is the precise thing to do. If the person is deeply understandable about the false activities conducted by him or based on college teachings or advices. The transformation may affect the future success of the life. There is a lot of effort and determination involved, but change can be the best way to restart on the right foot.

Because of pass experience, I would have to agree, but I would not say this statement is true for everyone. It truly depends on the person and rather they want to make the changes in their life. In addition, other dynamic aspects possibly will avert a person from making changes.

Poor finances, can keep a person from doing what they have to do. Poor education can also prevent people from making changes. Therefore, you can say that change is depending upon the person and their circumstances. Our society is so quick to judge others before knowing what the person’s life look like. But first of all the people in the society must look for their life before judging others. Due to this observation, I come to realize that it is only one main reason why change is not as easy.

Because of the prices of the goods that consume by customers have increased and when the people cannot bare this the poverty is rising from community. So that the life changing is automatically happening especially in low income level people.  The urban communities want change more than anyone does. However, because of the lack of money, change is not an option for these people. The little money that these people are getting is going to bills. The simplest thing such as returning to school to get an education, takes money, which these people do not have. Change in one's life, is very hard in the urban communities.

I have also come across a few people that could afford to change, but for some reason they did nothing to improve the quality of their life. When asked why, they simply stated that they were comfortable with their surroundings. Looking back on my life, I would say money was the problem for me. With bills, vehicle repairs, and home repairs and buying goods but attending school wasn't challengeable. I am tending to say, change is easy for those that can do it. For those that want change, but have barriers in the way must keep trying. You are going to run into dead end, but you have to keep searching for ways to better yourself.

 Anyone can change anything about their life as long as they put their mind to it. It is difficult to make the changes in a person’s life. But adapting to it is challengeable. If you are brave / smart enough to achieve that thing then you are lighting the future. Changing life can be challenging, but can also be very rewarding.

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